Monday, July 6, 2009


I’m sitting here at a little coffee stand. I just bought 2 batik scarves (for Joanna, of course). And I’m sipping on a cappuccino (the coffee here is so good) in the less busy part of the night bazaar. Light rain. No need for the poncho. :)


It was fun but oh so tiring doing errands in the rain. But the three girls are so much fun. I have a cute video of them singing “Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord” in English. During the chorus, they just sing some nonsensical nonsense, haha. I’ll post the video soon, don’t worry.

I’m alone now. It feels really good to just do my own thing. But when I got dropped off at the hotel and went to my room, all I wanted to do was talk to my mom. As I’ve been through so much this past week, there’s tons on my heart & mind, and I just needed to know that the people I love are still the same & affirming what I’m doing.

It’s good for my heart to change, but I also need to know that my family hasn’t changed. I need to know that they’re still here. So all of a sudden, there was this huge urgency to call Mom. I go across the street to the row of telephones, but my calling card doesn’t work. And so I finally decide to use my credit card—I don’t care how much it costs per minute!—in there, but that doesn’t even work! “Credit card incorrectly inserted”…all 4 ways?? Really?

Panic. I go & get some Thai officer standing nearby, and he just comes and pushes all these buttons. All of a sudden, I hear English through the phone. Such a lovely sound!! After messing up my billing zip code, I finally heard the rings & then…Mom.

What relief. I just babbled on & on & on as I pushed my tears back into hiding. Oh such joy.

It’s 8:10pm now. The fam’s gonna call me at my hotel room in 30 minutes, and I’m just going to sit here & be.


Grace in Style said...

hehe! I love you! You're the best sister ever =)

We miss you so much Jess!


Unknown said...

Jess, getting the phone call from you was my best birthday present. I love you and miss you so much!