Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The S.F.

Rarely do I ever learn from my mistakes. I’m always the person who cuts her bangs (for those of you who don’t know what ‘bangs’ are, they’re the pieces of hair right above your forehead) and ends up mortified by the results. And I spend the rest of the night wishing I had just spent money to get a proper haircut. “WHY did I do that??” This phrase often comes out of my mouth.

I cut my bangs tonight.*

So as I’m six days away from this trip, I’m scared that I’ll be quarantined right as I walk off the plane. I’ve had this fear for a few weeks now, and when I found out today that one of my best friends got the Swine Flu on her honeymoon, this fear skyrocketed. My sister, Joanna, is always careful about washing her hands, figuring out the people in the room who are sick & subsequently avoiding them for a week, etc etc. In fact, the lady sitting next to her at church last week coughed a few times (nothing spectacular). Joanna then pushed her chair right up against mine (where it stayed the rest of the service) and loudly whispered, “SWINE FLU!” I’m pretty sure our whole row heard it. This illness was later dubbed “The S.F.”

Joanna never gets sick.

Now, I’d like to think that I’m pretty good about washing my hands and getting proper nutrition, but every time I get sick, I could have avoided it. The week before all my illnesses, I slack on the antibacterial stuff, eat junk, and actively know in my thoughts that I should be taking better care of myself. Or else.

This week, I’m eating junk. We don’t have any perishables (aka healthy food), the painters tracked their dirt all over & there’s too much going on to really care…This morning, I provided chips & cookies for my VBS Music Center helpers (and myself). This afternoon, I craved a Whopper Jr.; I ate two. I’m eating candy and peanut butter right now.

I don’t want the S.F. I think it’s time to eat an apple.

*One of the good things about growing up, though, is that things like haircuts don’t mean as much to you anymore. Thank God.